Isabel L.
Mem MartinsPortugal
100% Job Success

Translations, revisions, copywriting, content writting

I am a professional expert that can help you with copywriting, business papers, economic and financial analysis, marketing research, marketing plans, business plans. I am a chartered accountant, and I am also certified by the Order of Economists of Portugal. I can provide additional services, including translating and abstracting, researching, gathering information, compiling data (presenting data in charts and tables), and report writing. I provide services of translation and proofreading with quality, effectiveness, and efficiency. I am a translator and proofreader with extensive national and international experience. I have expertise in economics, finance, business, statistics, management, and e-commerce. Pairs: Eng into PT; French into PT; Spanish into PT

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  • Email Communication
  • Online Writing
  • German to Portuguese Translation
  • Technical Writing
  • French to Portuguese Translation
  • Accounting