Ajay S.
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Sr. Mobile App Developer

🌟🌟🌟 TOP RATED with 100% JSS 🌟🌟🌟 I have experience of 10+ years in the development of iOS/Android Mobile Applications and have worked individually as well as in a team. I like to build fully efficient applications which are user-friendly and best in design. I like challenges and welcome any new ideas for App creation which makes me keep learning new things and keep updated about new technology. Client satisfaction and deliverables are the most important parameters for my working environment. My core competency lies in iOS/Android development and I am seeking opportunities to build social, utility, navigation, and web services apps mainly. If you have an idea for an app and want to bring it to life, feel free to contact me. iPhone/iPad Skills: =============== - Xcode, Cocoa Framework, Objective C, Swift - iPhone 7 and iPhone 11PRO iPhoneX, iOS10,11,12 and 13 - UITableView Kit and other SDK controls - SQLite and plists - BarCode, QRCode Scanner - Web Services (SOAP/REST/JSON based) - Asynchronous and synchronous API calls - XML Parsing, JSON Parsing - AVFoundation, AVAudioRecorder and MediaPlayer - Google Maps, MapKit and Annotations - Push Notification, UILocalNotification and Background threading - In-App Purchase - UI/UX Designs for Mobile and desktop app Android Skills: ======= ===== - Android Native Programming Android SDK/NDK, Android Studio/Eclipse, Java/C++, Layout XML, Fragment I am also experienced in developing Hybrid (React Native and Flutter) Mobile Applications. Let's solve your problems and make amazing Mobile App together!!! I will do my best effort to provide you the Best Product with Best Quality. Thanks for your visit.

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  • Objective-C
  • React Native
  • MySQL
  • Flutter
  • Swift
  • SQLite
  • Android Studio
  • iOS SDK

Get started working with Ajay quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Ajay quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get Health-care and Fitness Mobile App

From $1,000
10 days delivery

You will get Hybrid Mobile App || React Native || Flutter

From $600
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You will get a Spotify-like music streaming app.

From $500
8 days delivery

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