Vikas V.
98% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Shopify Expert Developer || Shopify Plus || eCommerce || App/Plugin

📅Market Existence: Since 2009 📅 🏆Achievements🏆 🔥App Developed & Deployed: 09 🔥 ✔️ Advanced Pre-Order & Partial Pay ✔️Advanced Wholesale/Discount ✔️Genie Product Options ✔️Advanced Invoices/GST App ✔️Smart Bundle Discount ✔️Advanced Subscriptions App ✔️MyTabs 2.0 ✔️My Mini Cart Drawer ✔️Advanced Predictive Search 🔥Themes Developed & Deployed: 04🔥 ✔️Yuva ✔️Fame ✔️Starlite ✔️Shark 🔥 My Shopify skills 🔥 🎄 Custom store design and development 🎄 Theme setup and customization 🎄 Store maintenance 🎄 Custom checkouts/upgrades (Only for Shopify Plus Merchants) 🎄 Shopify Custom App Development (Private App - Only for Shopify Plus Merchants) 🎄 Integrating Amazon, Facebook, eBay, and Etsy. 🎄 Digital Marketing strategies. 🎄 Shopify App development (Shopify Public App) 🔥 My WordPress Services 🔥 🎄 WordPress Website Development 🎄 Custom Plugin Development 🎄 Custom Theme Development 🎄 Theme Customization and Setup 🎄 eCommerce / Woocommerce Development 🎄 API Integration 🎄 Membership website 🔥 Design to WordPress Services (My Specialization) 🔥 🎄 PSD to WordPress 🎄 HTML to WordPress 🎄 Sketch to WordPress 🎄 Adobe XD to WordPress 🎄 Figma to WordPress 🎄 InVision to WordPress 🎄 Mockup/PDF to WordPress Your idea is just a small step, and the sky is the limit - Book your slot, and let's get you up and selling. Cheers!

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