Ahmad I.
94% Job Success
Top Rated

15th year as an Affiliate Manager & Affiliate Recruitment Expert

Hello and welcome. Thank you for checking out my profile here. I'm a professional affiliate marketing manager and affiliate recruitment expert. I have worked in affiliates for over 15 years across various sectors, including CBD, fashion, travel, utilities, telecoms, etc. During my multiple projects, I have successfully worked on several new programs, handled networks, and consistently delivered program growth through recruitment and partner optimization. I started my affiliate experience at Amazon and wanted to be rich as quickly as possible, but that was not the case. I struggled initially; however, I learned a thing or two regarding affiliate marketing, and I have already come a long way in this field. I have extensive experience managing affiliate marketing programs, from development, launching, and recruiting affiliates to overall affiliate program management and growth. I have an excellent working knowledge of using affiliate networks like Commission Junction, Rakuten, ShareASale, Clickbank, and JVZoo; I also have experience using affiliate software and solutions providers like Post Affiliate Pro, iDevAffiliate, and HasOffers. High-quality, engaging affiliate marketing management is available. -- Affiliate Program Set-Up and Startup -- Affiliate Program Audit and work plans -- Recruiting affiliates --Managing Affiliates already in the program -- Incorporating strategies that will empower or improve Affiliate performance -- Hold and organize campaigns (through several ways, such as SMM and email marketing) to gradually create awareness about the affiliate programs. I will try to be as concise and to the point as possible. What I can offer; -- Lower costs to match your pocket size -- Extremely professional service -- Extensive work experience -- I work by myself, and no outsourcing ever

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  • Internet Marketing
  • Social Media Management
  • Landing Page
  • Project Scheduling
  • WordPress

Get started working with Ahmad quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Ahmad quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get Affiliate Program Launched on AWIN

From $400
7 days delivery

You will get Affiliate Program Launched on ShareASale

From $400
7 days delivery

You will get your affiliate earnings boosted ...

From $250
15 days delivery