Gokul G.
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Voice over studio Hindi English Urdu Bengali marathi telugu

In the field of broadcasting in Hindi from last 30 years.Worked as Asst. Director and produced several plays skits radio features etc. Retired as Asst. Director from a Commercial Broadcasting Station of All India Radio. . Masters in Hindi along with PG diploma in Journalism . Awarded from Rajasthan Sahitya academy for two books (Hindi stories and Hindi Drama ). Written more than 100 radio plays, documentary , scripts in Hindi . Also worked as Media Unit Head of Press information bureau , Jodhpur for 6 years as central government PRO. Presently having a latest audio studeo for voice over service in Hindi , English , Marathi, Urdu, Arbi and various languages. I am also having a good record of publication in Hindi including poetry , short story, articles on different topics and got two books published which are awarded by Rajasthan Sahitya Academy, a state government academy for literature. Worked with UNICEF as Consultant(part time) on several social issues like child care, ringworm eradication ,child abuse etc. Translated several books from English to Hindi . Original content writer ,deep interest in spiritual education and yoga.

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