Sabuj H.
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Certified Amazon PPC Expert | FBA/FBM | Shopify | A-Z Amazon

I have over 12 year's experience in Amazon. I aim to help your businesses and reach you to the highest level possible. I have been actively working on the Amazon platform Science 2012 in the US, UK, Canada, India, and European marketplaces. Other platforms I have utilized include Walmart, eBay, and Shopify. I'm self-employed With strong project management skills and a passion for what I do, I will listen to what you need and raise your online profile to a level of effectiveness that ensures you meet your goals. I am Self-motivated, punctual, reliable, passionate about my work, and keen to progress my knowledge of the ever-changing industry I work in. Most importantly I helped the client get to where they wanted to be. I’d love to hear from you. What I can do for you. ----------------- * All Amazon PPC * Amazon SellerCenter Management. * Product Management. * Product Listing Creation, Monitoring and Optimizing. * Product Ranking. * Inventory Management * FBA Calculating. * Amazon Keyword Research. * Amazon Advertising (Lowest % of ACOS). * Amazon Brand Registry. * Advisor of Trademark Register. * Amazon Kindle * Merch by Amazon * Amazon AWS Services. * Product Research and Sourcing * Amazon Sponsored Products and Headline Search Ads Creation, Monitoring and Optimizing * Email Marketing Campaigns to Increase Reviews and Mitigate Negative Customer Experiences. I will be thrilled if I get a chance to help you launch or improve your Amazon store.

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  • Amazon
  • Amazon PPC
  • Amazon Advertising Console
  • Amazon FBA
  • Amazon FBA Product Research
  • Internet Marketing
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Shopify
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Digital Ad Campaign
  • Facebook Ads Manager