Joshua R.
TruroUnited Kingdom
99% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Klaviyo - Ecommerce Email Marketing Expert

Do you need a Klaviyo Email Marketing expert? Do you want a freelancer that responds quickly, sticks to deadlines and keeps you updated every step of the way? Do you want a freelancer that's been personally vetted by Upwork to be a proven expert in their field? I help you achieve amazing ROI on your Klaviyo email marketing by designing, implementing and then optimizing high converting sequences, automation, flows and campaigns. With over 300 five star reviews for Klaviyo projects just like yours, you can rest assured that I'll help you exceed your email marketing goals, as I did for them. I can help you with: ✔ Email Newsletters + Promos (Promotional Campaigns that actually get you the results and ROI you want for your business) ✔ Email Automation - Sequences - Flows (Abandoned Cart, Browse Abandonment, Post Purchase, Win Back, Welcome - Key flows that maximize your email ROI) ✔ Email Strategy + Consulting - What to send, to which segment/ audience and when ✔ Klaviyo - Mailchimp - Shopify Set Up (Just getting started or thinking of moving? I've set up hundreds of accounts and can do everything you need to be up and running) ✔ Campaign Management + Optimization (No batch and blasting, carefully select who and when each campaign is going out for maximum results) ✔ Email & Template design ( Only the cleanest, most attractive, highly engaging, mobile-friendly email templates that suit your brand/business and draws the maximum engagement) ✔ Email Marketing audit and review (Ask me for an example of an audit I've completed, find out exactly where to improve and get a blueprint of exactly where to start) ✔ Segmentation - (Advanced dynamic segmentation, not just standard who bought etc.) ✔ A/B testing (Thorough split testing to get the perfect send time and content for maximum results) ✔ Product/ Brand Launches on Shopify, WordPress and Magento (Launching a product soon and need it to go well? I've got you covered) ✔ Holiday Campaigns - Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas I'm a Klaviyo Gold Partner, Klaviyo Product and Klaviyo Feature certified for both Email and SMS. ✘ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ✘ Q - Do you work hourly and fixed price projects? A - Yes, I've worked both and am happy to discuss what would work best for your project. Q - Do you have examples of emails and campaigns you can share? A - I have hundreds, I'm happy to share anything that doesn't contain sensitive information. Q - How quickly can the turnaround on my project be? A - That's massively dependent on the project but I will always agree this with you at the beginning. Q - Do you cover everything, from design to the imagery and set up? A - Yes, everything you need to be sending I cover. Q - You look really busy, will you have time for me? A - I would never take a project I didn't have time for, my profile is switched to private when I don't have capacity. You will ALWAYS get quick, transparent and honest communication from me. Click "Hire Me" or invite me today to discuss your project further and see if we're a good fit.

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  • Email Campaign Setup
  • Email Design
  • Email Marketing Strategy
  • Email Automation
  • Email Copywriting
  • Email & Newsletter
  • Email Communication
  • Trigger Email Optimization
  • Email Template Upload
  • Trigger Email Setup

Get started working with Joshua quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Joshua quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get 6, 9, or 11 SMS/MMS: Elevate Your Outreach & Boost Engagement

From $550
10 days delivery

You will get 1, 2 or 3 Custom Emails + an Exclusive Popup with our Valentine's Special

From $450
10 days delivery

You will get a strategy audit and optimization of your existing Klaviyo implementation

From $180
2 days delivery

You will get old sms project - check

From $550
10 days delivery


Endorsements from past clients

"Josh is quite simply awesome at email marketing. Josh has a thorough understanding of enterprise email, far deeper and more challenging than sending out a monthly company newsletter to 55 people on a tired list. With an inquistive nature and a desire to win, Josh taught himself all that made him a very successful salesperson, able to take very technical meetings on his own. In the years since, he has continued with his thirst for knowledge, but then added years of experience - at the coalface. On top of this, Josh has a passion for email, that I've not seen in anybody else. If you need an email campaign created for your business - you've found the man."

Dermot H. | Sales Director
Head of Email Marketing May 2020
