Paramjeet S.
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SEO - Local SEO, Google Ads, Shopify SEO & WordPress Expert

I Specialize in SEO, Google, and Facebook Ads management, as well as keyword research, content creation, and link building. I am an expert in ranking websites, blogs, and content for all major search engines as well as social media platforms. I have helped many businesses to rank high in Google and other search engines. ✅Ready to help your business reach the top spot on Google. Helping E-commerce Stores and service-based Businesses maximize ROI through SEO, PPC, and SMM. 10+ Years Experience: ✅ Practically knowledge and understanding of SEO best practices and foundations ✅ Strong knowledge of SEO key concepts: Keywords Analysis, Page Optimization ✅ White Hat Link building expertise, Organic Traffic Growth, Backlinking ✅SEO Content Writing, Content marketing ✅ Expert in Google Ads Management/Facebook Ads Management/ Instagram Ads Management ✅ Experience with SEO industry programs, such as Google Analytics or Google Webmaster ✅ Expert in the understanding of search engine algorithms and ranking methods ✅ Hard Worked and Deliver the Maximum Result with client Budget ✅ Pro Member - Semrush and Moz My goal is to help my clients achieve their business goals through effective digital marketing campaigns. ✅My Development Key specializations are – Website and eCommerce development: Shopify, Magneto, WordPress/woo-commerce, Squarespace/Wix, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, and More!

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  • Off-Page SEO
  • SEO Strategy
  • Technical SEO
  • On-Page SEO
  • Organic Traffic Growth
  • Shopify
  • WordPress