Rajesh K.
Greater NoidaIndia

Visual Foxpro Expert - with C# DotNET Experience

" Rajesh is a perfect 10! I say that without reservation. I am writing this having hired enough programmers to say, 'If you need a job done excellently, Rajesh is your man.' " - Alan Fendrich, AdvancedHiring.com (my first client in my Freelancing career!) Looking for solutions in Foxpro, Visual Foxpro OR Dot Net Platform ? I can design, discuss, develop, prototype and deliver an awesome solutions. You would love it! So, contact me to: * Upgrade VFP applications with advanced features and facilities * Re-write Foxpro, VFP application on latest platforms * Develop Desktop & Web applications

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  • Microsoft Windows
  • FoxPro Administration
  • FoxPro Programming