Ahmed H.
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Virtual Assistant, Admin Support, WordPress & Digital Marketing Expert

✅ Top Rated ✅ 100% Job Success Score ✅ High Client Recommendations ✅ Fluent English ✅ 11+ years of Administrative Assistant experience ✅ 4400+ Hours worked on Upwork ✅ WordPress Expert ✅ WooCommerce, Divi and & Elementor Pro Expert ✅ Divi Theme and Plugins Expert ✅ Theme/Plugin Customization ✅ Fix WordPress Website performance issues ✅ Website Maintenance and Support ✅ Security Monitoring and Patches ✅ Website Backups and Restorations ✅ Analytics and Reporting ✅ Yoast SEO expert ✅ Article Formatting ✅ Article rewriting both American and British English ✅ Mailchimp, Aweber, Active Campaign etc. expert ✅ Slack, Asana, Trello, Basecamp, ClickUp professional ✅ CRM management expert ✅ WordPress Plugin expert: Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7, WPML, WooCommerce, Yoast SEO, WP Rocket, etc. ✅ WordPress installation, setup, and migration ✅ Magento Product management Hey there, I am a passionate and humble freelancer from Bangladesh. I have several years of administrative assistant/virtual assistant/personal assistant experience (including online, over live chat, and in person). I have also a wealth of experience using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Google Drive to build weekly and monthly financial reports, email handling, customer support, managing scheduling including Google Calendar, email campaigns using Aweber, MailChimp, NinjaOutreach, SEO, Digital Marketing dividing the task to the team on Trello, Podio, Slack, Basecamp, Clickup and Asana, working professionally at WordPress and Magento. If you seek a dependable and capable of realizing your vision and offering continuous assistance, your search ends here. I'd be delighted to engage in a conversation about your project needs and offer a competitive quotation. I have a friendly, professional demeanor and am a confident multitasker, allowing me to take on several responsibilities at once. I am a quick learner and enthusiastic. I look forward to working with you on any additional projects you need assistance with. Thanks in advance!

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  • Digital Marketing
  • WordPress
  • Personal Administration
  • Social Media Management
  • Web Analytics
  • Article Submission
  • Web Design
  • Digital Project Management
  • Management Skills

Get started working with Ahmed quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Ahmed quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get WordPress & WooCommerce Maintenance Services

From $199
30 days delivery

You will get Formatted, Copywritten and SEO friendly Full-Featured Articles

From $30
2 days delivery

You will get a clickable email signature for your business

From $15
2 days delivery

You will get YouTube Video Promotion, YouTube Channel Promotion, Video SEO

From $50
7 days delivery