Maren L.
Mexico CityMexico
82% Job Success

Translator English / Spanish to German

I am a native German speaker with an educational background in Business Administration and Finance/Accounting and professional experience in audit, accounting, insurance business and import/export. During the last four years I have worked as a freelance translator on various projects, including but not limited to translations of marketing, financial, legal, IT-related and medical/lifestyle content. I am familiar with working with Wordpress, Memsource, POEditor, among others, and I have mastered the use of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and html-files with strings in order to translate directly within those formats. My top priority is to deliver high-quality work within the given deadlines. I appreciate a clear communication with the clients and always strive to adapt to their specific needs.

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  • Spanish to German Translation
  • Spanish to English Translation
  • German to Spanish Translation