Terry N.
RobertsbridgeUnited Kingdom
100% Job Success

Scriptwriter: drama/comedy - film/TV/radio/New Media author & lyricist

Terry Newman is an award winning scriptwriter and consultant for film, television, stage (including musicals), radio, games and new media with numerous credits and commissions. As a former university lecturer in scriptwriting at the University of Brighton and the International School of Screen Acting, London he is well versed in both practice and theory. Recent work includes film and TV scripts that have garnered 17 awards, book to film adaptations - including 'Perla S.' for Czech Films, the fantasy 'Trapped Magic' now in post-production and a series of educational animated videos. Previous film work includes 2016’s Best Action Feature at the UK National Film Awards ‘Chasing Robert Barker’, Comedy work includes over a dozen commissions from the BBC, C4’s Rory Bremner Show, live material for stand ups and ventriloquists and his own show on UK STAR. A lyricist and musical book writer, he was recently commissioned to write two new musicals and is one of the team working on the world’s first animated emusical. One of his musicals 'Guy Fawkes' is now available on CD and Spotify, another 'Rusted Stars' premiers later this year in Dubai. Another self-penned musical is planned for Edinburgh in 2024. His children's songs have featured in the 'Incredible Adventures of Bimi Boo', available on Amazon Prime, and his comedy songs have been broadcast on the BBC. Non-entertainment work includes television commercials and radio adverts (includes an award winning Tango campaign), training films, infomercials and London’s Audio Guide to the Dockland’s Light Railway. He is frequently brought in to brighten up or add comedy to a project. His first novel DETECTIVE STRONGOAK AND THE CASE OF THE DEAD ELF was published by Harper Collins’s Voyager imprint and was a Kindle Epic Fantasy Bestseller in the USA. Two more Detective Strongoak followed. He has written two children's books for clients and edited biography and fiction. Qinoto, an innovative game he is helping write, won Best Design at 2018's Taiwan Game Show.

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  • Scriptwriting
  • Drama
  • Film Screenplay
  • Screenplay
  • Book Writing