Nirav S.
100% Job Success
Top Rated

AWS GenAI Developer , Serverless Lambda Developer

AWS AI/ML , Amazon Bedrock Developer , AWS GenAI Developer like Amazon Q , Amazon Bedrock. ♛ AWS Certified Cloud practitioner help you to investigate and set up​ your AWS infrastructure as well as experts in AWS Lambda development, AWS API Development, AWS Serverless, AWS API Gateway, AWS AppSync, AWS Amplify and other AWS services. Very comfortable to work with Amazon Bedrock, Amazon Q, AWS Lambda, AWS DynamoDB, Cognito, EC2, S3, Cloud-front, RDS, Elastic Search, DevOps, React.js, Angular, Node JS, Python ♛ Assure you for 100% Job satisfaction guarantee. I am glad to inform that I have achieved 99% Client satisfaction ratio to​ date on various platforms. Part of AWS Consulting Partner​ company. Top performer at people per hour portal. Visit : As a web consultant having an experience of 12+ years, I helped mid to large scale companies to grow their businesses using ​support of Information Technology, especially with open source technology. Key focus points : 1. The small but expert team of business analysts, designers, developers, quality analysts and document managers. 2. 12+ years of maturity in the IT Industry 3. Agile methodology based project execution 4. Proven Project Management Software based project planning and tracking 5. Focus on emerging technologies 6. Minimum response time 7. Only committed to quality 8. Cost-effective approach 9. Open for onsite work if feasible Looking for your positive response to Eternal Web. Pvt. Ltd. Thank you.

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Endorsements from past clients

"I have worked with Nirav Shah on many different projects over the past 10 years employing his skills and talent for my clients and my own work. I have always been delighted with Nirav's quality of work. I have always found Nirav to be reliable to deliver exactly what we need. There never seems anything he can't do. He's also a great guy to work with so I am more than happy to refer Nirav to anyone looking for website and development assignments. "

Gary W.
Feb 2020
