Geomaria G.
67% Job Success

Spirituality Pro| Wellness Blogger| Health Expert| Fashion Copywriter|

Writing helped me express myself when I was 7 in a new school; it helped me evolve into a poet at 17 in University; and now, at age 30, it helps me express, create, and successfully implement thoughts to highly-engaging content for my clients. The following will briefly outline my skills for various ‘personalized’ content types so that you can get a better idea if you’d like to join forces. 1) Blog content: Thoroughly researched article of your choice with Meta Description, Keyword Tag, high-scoring Title Options, Grammarly Premium (Above 90 Score), Yoast SEO ‘Good’ Score, References, Inbound Links, and Outbound Links for different customer personas. (Add On- SurferSEO rating) 2) Web Content: Copy for Homepage, Landing Page, About Us, and other Website Content for different tones, objectives, and target audiences. 3) Product Copies: Product descriptions (short-form and long-form) for products with features, specifications, uses, care, and so on based on your needs and preferences in different tones that complement your brand voice. 4) eBook: An in-depth/short-form guide to topics with a TOC (Table of Contents) and chapter-by-chapter updates for Kindle, Createspace, and downloadable lead magnets (Website). 5) FAQ: If you’re a B2B manufacturer, I can offer in-depth product guides and FAQs spanning 3,000 to 10,000 words for the B2B audience to increase your conversions. 6) Social Media content: I have a history of growing a Facebook Group from 20 to 20,000 in a matter of months and have worked with a luxury hotel group on their Instagram (Taj Group of Hotels). Hence, I can provide Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn posts no matter who your customers are. 7) Direct Answer Responses: For those who run forums, discussions, groups, and other tight-knit community-based content platforms, I can offer answer-based posts (100 to 300 words) representing your brand. I’m adept in the following niches and always love exploring something new about mind, health, fashion, food, family, and home. - Spirituality: Crystal Healing, Tarot Cards, Tantra, Yoga, Meditation, Merkaba, Reiki, Scrying, and energy healing. - Fashion: Jewelry, Apparel, False Eyelashes, Eyelash Extensions, Accessories, and Lifestyle. - Health: Physical Health, Mental Health, Sexual Health, Fitness, PMDD, and DNA-Testing. Travel - Home Improvement: Storage, Gardening, Caravan, RV-ing, Desktop Aquariums, and Organization. - Self-Improvement: Philosophy, The Re-Integration System, Relationships, - Food: Coconut Oil, Microgreens, Super-Foods, and Cheese. - Wine and Whiskey: Wine aficionado with in-depth knowledge and experience writing about wines, wine clubs, and whiskey types. - Digital Marketing: Email Marketing, Blog Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, and Web Hosting. - Engineering: Valves. Having worked with brands, brand personalities, retailers, manufacturers, advertising, and content writing agencies for 8+ years, I can adapt to different tones, spellings (U.S, U.K, AU, Indian English), styles, and content types seamlessly. Hit me up with your needs, and I’ll personalize a project for you. If you don’t have a blog calendar or style guide, I can help you devise those for your brand at no added cost.

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  • Website Copywriting
  • US English Dialect
  • Product Description

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