Chukwuka O.
100% Job Success
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Mathematics and Statistics Tutor

Hello! I'm a mathematics graduate with extensive experience in teaching mathematics and statistics. I specialize in providing comprehensive solutions for various grade levels and academic needs. Whether you need assistance with mathematics or statistics projects, content development, design, or proofreading, I've got you covered. I excel at designing high-quality multiple-choice questions, tests, and learning materials that align with your specific requirements. If you have any mathematics assignments or projects, I can also lend a hand there. In addition to my teaching background, I am proficient in Excel development and have expertise in creating complex templates and interactive dashboards for both Excel and Google Sheets. As an Office Suite applications expert, I can help optimize your workflow and enhance productivity. Furthermore, I possess advanced skills in PHP and SQL algorithms development. I can develop mathematical and statistical algorithms that meet your unique specifications. If you require any PHP or SQL solutions, I am well-equipped to handle the task. I am passionate about providing top-notch service and delivering exceptional results. Let's collaborate to achieve your goals. Looking forward to working with you!

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  • Statistics
  • Mathematics
  • Microsoft Excel