Alexandre F.
CrosbyUnited Kingdom
100% Job Success

Marketing Director | Product Marketing | Startups and Tech Brands

Hiring a jack of all trades? Not always the best idea when your goal is producing great content. I specialize in content creation for B2B startups and tech enterprises, usually targeting C-level audiences operating in cybersecurity, AI, and SaaS sectors. Here is what clients love about working with me: ► Not my first rodeo — I have created and managed the content creation process of hundreds of blog posts, guest posts, long-form articles, white papers, guides, ebooks, press releases, web pages, product sheets, and presentations. I am also the founder of a tech publication and, thereby, walk the talk every day. ► Big picture thinking — Success does not depend on any single post, but the execution of a well-tuned content strategy. I go beyond just drafting pretty sentences and consider essential aspects among which SEO, SERP, long-tail keywords, personas, voice and tone, and sales funnels as part of a solid editorial plan. ► Subject-matter expertise — I avoid spreading myself thin. I rather concentrate on fewer topics that I am excited and knowledgeable about and where my words make a difference. ► An ongoing partnership — I am not interested in short-term gigs. I prefer to dedicate myself to fewer projects and get to know my clients and their products very well to craft the best content possible. I am lucky enough to get booked quickly and only say "yes" to projects where I see a fit. With that in mind: ✅ Is quality more important to you than quantity? ✅ Is your company related to cybersecurity, AI, and/or SaaS? ✅ Do you want to take an SEO-driven angle on content creation? ✅ Are you looking to establish an ongoing business relationship? Then I would love to hear more about your project. Don't hesitate to get in touch! ------ Some recent client testimonials: "Alexandre was incredibly easy to work with, professional, capable, and produced high-quality work on time." "Great communication skills. Delivers what he promises. Ability to learn a new (and not easy!) subject in a very short time frame." "Alex is one of the best freelancers on Upwork. He has the ability to understand what the client needs and deliver quality work that exceeds expectations."

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  • White Paper Writing