Sunil S.
100% Job Success

Technical Writing, User Guides, Proofreading, Data Entry, PowerPoint

I have over 30 years of IT experience along with training and programming experience. I can help you with preparation of user manuals/guides. I can also help you with data entry/conversion, Powerpoint presentations, desktop publishing (designing of brochures, newsletters etc.) and word processing work. I am an excellent proofreader. Here is a comment I received from a client on another freelancing site (for a job that consisted of proofreading and editing 9-10 Word documents): "Sunil was absolutely superb. I can't imagine this project having gone any better. He way exceeded by expectations every step of the way! His editing skills also were impeccable and his English was flawless." I believe in giving my best to any task/job that I take up. I take pride in the quality of my work and I am sure you too will agree once you have seen my work.

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  • Technical Writing

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