100% Job Success
Rising Talent

Computer vision | Video processing | Machine learning | Deep learning

I have experienced on working in Image processing, Video processing, Computer vision in C++, SWIG,CMAKE. I have used Opencv, IPP, CUDA,TBB, Caffe, Tensorflow , Keras etc. I have worked on segmentation, machine learning(SVM,NN,Decision Tree), deep learning(Caffe/Tensor flow, Keras), pattern matching, character recognition, face detection and recognition and morphology processes . I have a good experience on stereo camera calibration and stereo distance estimation. I have done Emotion classifier/Gender classifier projects using Caffe/Tensorflow/Keras and Openface deep learning frameworks. I have experienced on working different developing tools(Netbeans/Eclipse/QT/Visual Studio) and Mobile Platform development tools(Xcode/Android Studio). I have experienced on integration of C/C++ as Shared Library with Java, C#, Python, Android and IOS Mobile Platform.

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  • OpenCV
  • Python
  • Tesseract OCR
  • Machine Learning
  • Microsoft Visual C++