Vishal S.
100% Job Success

Software Consultant, Excellent Communicator, Full-Stack Developer

A polyglot programmer whose journey has touched VB 6.0, Java,,, Python( Django) , Flask, React Native, Javascript, PHP (Wordpress) , Rust ( Open source contribution, cloudflare api wrapper for upwork client ). Primary Language - Python I can - 1) Develop a site from scratch in Django 2) Build RAG based application using Open AI and vector storage 3) Develop front-end using HTMX 4) Migrate websites 5) Setup WebRTC I can handle projects from start to finish. In some projects, I have been involved in the full life-cycle of the project, from requirement analysis, initial design, and implementation through to deployment and production support. Love solving bugs!! Performance Optimization - Wordpress and Django websites 10+ years of software development experience Payment integration with various gateways

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  • SQL
  • Rust
  • Project Management