Rajnish N.
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Expert Odoo Developer | Techno-Functional Consultant | AI Integration

I am an Odoo Certified Techno-functional expert, and I am here to help you streamline your business operations and automate various processes. My expertise lies in deploying, customizing, and integrating Odoo to meet the specific needs of your business. From cloud deployment to containerization, I have the skills and experience to take your business to the next level. When it comes to cloud deployment, I am well-versed in deploying Odoo on various platforms such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. I understand the importance of having a highly available and scalable infrastructure, and I can help you set that up to ensure that your Odoo application can handle a large number of users and transactions. Docker and Docker Compose are my go-to tools for containerizing Odoo applications. Containerization not only makes it easy to deploy and manage Odoo, but it also ensures that the application runs consistently across different environments. Automation is key to ensuring that your application is always up-to-date and free of bugs. I have experience in setting up CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins, TravisCI, and GitLab CI. I can help you automate the testing, building, and deployment of your Odoo application, ensuring that it is always up-to-date and free of bugs. As for mobile app development, I have experience in developing mobile apps using Flutter. I can help you create a visually appealing and user-friendly mobile app that can connect to your Odoo application. This allows me to provide end-to-end solutions to my clients, ensuring a seamless experience for their customers. In conclusion, I am confident in my ability to deliver high-quality and reliable projects that meet and exceed client expectations. My expertise in Odoo, cloud deployment, Docker, CI/CD, and Flutter, along with my creative writing hobby, makes me the perfect candidate for your next project. So let's work together to bring your business to the next level. ✅Odoo certified techno-functional ✅Odoo development ✅Cloud server setup (aws/azure/gcloud/linode/vultr/linode/digital ocean) ✅Docker/Docker Compose ✅CI/CD ✅Hybrid Mobile app development (Flutter) When I'm not busy making businesses more efficient, I play football. I promise to bring the same level of enthusiasm and fun to my work too!

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  • Odoo
  • Odoo Development
  • OpenAI API