Marcelo S.
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VMware Specialist

VMware Virtualization specialist, certified as VCP, VCAP5-DCA, awarded as VMware vExpert from 2012 to 2017. I also work as VMware Instructor, Linux Server administrator and perform some projects developing tools in PHP and PostgreSQL/MySQL. On Virtualization and Server Administration tasks, I have a large experience in performing difficult tasks in a very effective and agile way, and I have a large experience on troubleshooting in all different areas that involve Virtualization (Storage, Networking, OS, Performance), always looking for the best quality of service and the highest SLAs. Containers, Docker and Kubernetes are also on my area of expertise, having deployed several Cloud environments hosting applications in the Google Cloud, and also creating and delivering training and consultancy on these technologies.

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  • VMWare
  • VMware ESX Server
  • Private Cloud
  • VMware Administration
  • Virtualization

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