Sukriti T.

Content Specialist with 9 Years of Experience Across Multiple Niches

Technical Writing (how-to's, guides, manuals, troubleshooting, tips-and-tricks) || Content Writing (website content, product pages, product comparisons, tool and gadget reviews) || Article Writing (Healthcare and Medical, Fashion & Beauty, Lifestyle & Travel, Food, Education, Entertainment) || English Proofreading || Editing Hi, my name is Sukriti Taneja and I'm an experienced technical and content writer. An MCA by qualification, I worked in the software industry for 5 years before switching to full-time writing. I have a good experience in creating tech-articles, thanks to my background in programming, but I don't limit myself to the tech domain. I take pride in being a good researcher and can comfortably write on a multitude of topics from niches like healthcare, lifestyle, fashion, food, education, entertainment, and travel. Please peruse through my work samples to get a better idea of my writing tone and style. I'd be happy to be a part of any rewarding opportunity where a client is looking for a smooth working relationship.

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  • Website Content
  • Editing & Proofreading