Narottam S.
100% Job Success
Top Rated

|SDET |Test Automation Expert |WEB | API |Mobile|

🌟 Welcome to My Upwork Profile! 🌟 Are you seeking a seasoned Software Engineering leader with a proven track record in test automation and quality assurance? Your search ends here! With over 12 years of hands-on experience, I am dedicated to delivering robust solutions that ensure the highest standards of software quality. 🚀 Key Skills & Expertise: ✅ Test Automation Mastery: With a solid foundation in manual and automation testing, I excel in designing, implementing, and maintaining robust test automation frameworks. My expertise spans various tools and technologies, including Selenium WebDriver (Java), Protractor (JavaScript),, and Rest-Assured. ✅ Programming Proficiency: Proficient in Java and JavaScript programming languages, I possess the skills to design comprehensive test scenarios and execute them with precision. ✅ Agile Methodologies: I am well-versed in Agile Scrum and other SDLC processes, utilizing project management tools like JIRA and Pivotal Tracker to ensure efficient project delivery. ✅ Cloud & DevOps Integration: Experience with AWS services such as Lambda, ECS, EC2, and CloudWatch, coupled with proficiency in continuous integration using Jenkins, enables seamless automation builds and deployment. ✅ Domain Expertise: With a strong background in Digital Advertising and Healthcare domains, I bring valuable insights to the table, ensuring tailored solutions that meet industry-specific requirements. 🎯 Recent Upwork Achievements: ✅ Top-Rated QA: Recognized as a top-rated QA professional with over 2500 hours worked and a stellar success ratio. ✅ Extensive Experience: With over 10 years of experience as a QA Engineer (both Automation and Manual), I have successfully completed 50+ projects, consistently delivering results that exceed client expectations. ✅ Certifications: ISTQB Certified QA, validating my expertise and commitment to maintaining the highest standards of quality assurance. Let's collaborate to elevate your software quality and streamline your development process. Contact me today to discuss how I can contribute to your project's success!

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  • Test Design
  • Cypress
  • Selenium WebDriver
  • WebdriverIO
  • Protractor
  • TestNG
  • Test Automation Framework