Ankita S.
97% Job Success
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SEO Expert | Local SEO | White hat Link Building | Backlinks

Hello, This is Ankita. The Google Certified Digital Marketing Expert. I am SEO/ SMM/ SEM Expert with 7+ Years of experience and I am capable of delivering top results to every client. I have optimized a number of website as well as their Social Media accounts and had provided best results to my every client. I am well aware about the latest updates of Google and I work according to the latest trend of search engine(complete WHITE HAT) abiding all the guidelines of Google. If hired by you, i will put in my best efforts and will provide you the best services so as to get the desired results. COMPLETE ON PAGE & OFF PAGE SEO with quality Link Building and Social Media Marketing. I am also a Cloud Native Developer, having total of 6.5 years of experience with JAVA/J2EE, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Microservices, Rest, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker. Thanks, Ankita

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  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO
  • SEO Keyword Research
  • SEO Audit