Ankush S.
78% Job Success

Full Stack Developer || Android,iOS || Flutter|| Firebase|| Firestore

I have extensive experience in web Mobile application development, third-party integrations/ customization's. My Project Experience: ✔ Wireframe and UI/UX design ✔ Auto layout ✔ Firebase ✔ GCM or FCM ✔ One signal SDK for send Push notification ✔ Social Networking app ✔ Dating app ✔ Social Event app ✔ Messaging app ✔ Geo location app ✔ Food Delivery app ✔ Online ordering app ✔ Audio and video calling ✔ Image & video Editing ✔ Educational app to learn 2-D language ✔ Audio streaming app ✔ Scheduling app Technical knowledge:- ✔ Android ✔ Swift ✔ Java ✔ Flutter ✔ Kotlin ✔ Objective-C ✔ X-Code ✔ Android Studio ✔ React Native ✔ Android SDK ✔ UI kit ✔ Web Services: XML/JSON, REST/SOAP ✔ API's: Google Map, Geo-location, GPS, Open Street Maps, Payment API : stripe ✔ Database: Sqlite , MYSQL, etc ✔ Real time Chat System : Quick Blox , Sinch , V2call , XMPP , Twillio : for voice call , Text message , call recording . ✔ Thermal Printers ✔ Gprinter ✔ Epson Printer ✔ Star Printer Flutter Skills: Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn integration in FLUTTER. Firebase Integration: Firebase Authentication using various methods(Google, Email, Phone, Facebook etc.), Cloud Firestore, RealTime Database, Notification, Cloud Functions for notification, Flutter Firebase Chat (Private & Group chat), Flutter Stream Methods, Future Methods. Flutter Google Map API, Flutter Backgorund location API, Flutter Google location service, Flutter GeoFire Flutter InApp Purchase, Flutter BLoC(Business Logic Components) & MVVM design pattern for the coding Flutter State handling using BLOC, Provider, SetState, Redux Flutter REST API's Personal Traits: ------------------ ✔ Have good communication skills and ability to learn and master new technologies and concepts in a short span. ✔ Diagnostic Ability - Ability to go to the core of the problem. ✔ Quick learner & self-directed; consistent updating self with the emerging trends in the industry. ✔ Team player with strong interpersonal skills and possess a flexible and detail oriented attitude. I believe in treating customers with respect and faith. I grow through creativity, invention and innovation and integrate honesty, integrity and business ethics into all aspects of our business functioning. Looking forward for challenging work.

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  • Firebase Cloud Firestore
  • Flutter
  • Firebase Realtime Database
  • Kotlin