Christopher A.

Facebook Ads | Google Ads

☑️As a Facebook Ads and Google Ads Specialist, I am eager to apply my knowledge and passion for digital marketing to help businesses succeed on the world's largest social media and search engine platform. With a strong foundation in Facebook Ads and Google Ads fundamentals, I am excited to learn, grow, and develop my skills alongside my clients. ☑️I understand the importance of targeted advertising in reaching the right audience with the right message. Through research and analysis, I am able to identify key demographics and interests to create custom audiences and craft compelling ad copy and creative. I am also skilled in budget management and tracking campaign performance metrics to measure success. ☑️While I may not have extensive experience yet, I am committed to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in Facebook advertising. I am a quick learner who is eager to take on new challenges and I am confident in my ability to provide high-quality work for my clients. I have spent more than 100 hrs with Facebook Ads and Google Ads courses with Udemy. I believe I have enough knowledge and skills to help your E-Commerce business grow. I'm very excited to working with you and your business.

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  • Microsoft Excel
  • Email Communication
  • Lead Generation
  • Facebook Advertising
  • Facebook Ads Manager
  • Google Ads Account Management