Rupanshi M.
100% Job Success

US Recruiter, Resume fixer, Editor, Localization expert, Mom

Being a qualified English teacher with excellent language skills, I fully understand the significance of well worded and structured write-ups. I am proficient in proof reading, editing and creating educational content. I have already worked on projects related to lesson plans, worksheets and vocabulary development. Coming from an educational background, as a matter of principle, I do not 1. indulge in plagiarism. 2. believe in completing learners' assignments for them. Being an involved parent, I understand the complexity of the role. I have hands on experience of both the joys and challenges of parenting. I can look at things from different perspectives- from a child's as well as an adult's point of view and thoroughly enjoy working on projects that involve children and parenting.

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  • Children's Writing
  • Lesson Plan Writing

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