Stephen A.
100% Job Success

Ivy League Plus College Admissions Consultant

In a world driven by artificial intelligence, for a process as hyper-competitive as college admissions, you need real, experienced intelligence. I am a college admissions consultant with a decade of experience providing services for both undergraduate and graduate programs. I have sent students to schools as elite as Stanford, Duke, and Princeton, as well as grad school programs like Harvard Business School, Oxford, and even medical residency programs. I can edit any essay into an extremely personalized, well-written, high-quality work, or can take your ideas and help craft them into a powerful essay. To date, I've worked on over a thousand essays and sent students to over 200 different programs. In addition to my work as a college essay consultant, I have written and edited over forty books for other authors and under pen names, written over half a dozen books under my name, and am in the process of writing many more. No matter your college admissions goals, I can help. I would be happy to do business with you today!

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