Masud H.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Full Stack Developer - NodeJS React NextJS Expert | Firebase & Stripe

🔶 12+ years of experience 🌐 NextJS Specialist 🐍 Python Expert 🚀 FastAPI Pro 🔧 Django Developer Full Stack Developer: Node JS(Express, NestJS), NextJS, REACT, Python Hello! My name is Masud Hasan. I am a full-stack Upwork Top Plus developer with extensive experience in Node JS(Express, NestJS), and REACT(NextJS) projects. I've been an independent freelancer with Upwork (previously Odesk) since 2009. During this time, I ✅ Completed nearly 450 projects ✅ worked more than 7000 hours and, ✅ maintained a 100% job success record Expertise includes: ✅ Building REST APIs and microservices with Node.js, Express, and NestJS. Integrating databases like MongoDB, MySQL, and Postgres. ✅ Developing Python/Django projects from scratch. Coding custom solutions, integrations, and API backends. ✅ Creating dynamic front-end apps with React and Next.js. Leveraging component architecture for reactive UIs. ✅ Implementing modern authentication, testing, deployment, and DevOps workflows. ✅ Translating business requirements into technical solutions. ✅ Communicating with stakeholders to deliver projects on schedule. Front-End Skills: ✅ React ✅ Next.js ✅ Creating responsive UI components ✅ Implementing reactive user interfaces ✅ Consuming REST APIs Back-End Skills: ✅ Node.js, Express, NestJS ✅ Building REST APIs and microservices ✅ Python, Django ✅ Integrating databases like MongoDB, MySQL, and Postgres ✅ Developing custom solutions and API backends Additional Expertise: ✅ Architecting full-stack systems ✅ Coding with the latest frameworks ✅ Implementing authentication, testing, deployment ✅ Translating business requirements into technical solutions ✅ Clear communication and project delivery Proven track record of successfully managing 450+ freelance projects. Rated in the top 10% of Upwork developers. My clients' feedback and ratings bear witness to this. You may find some instances below, but I encourage you to go through my work history. Upwork Clients’ Feedback: Develop APP with Node.JS and React "Masud is a good communicator. He takes the time to check along the way if things are well understood from his side. A few adjustments were needed, but in the end, the job was successfully completed. Combine PDF at YII2 framework "Excellent work! Second time with Masud Hasan He is smart, efficient, and has great skills in professional advanced PHP and Yii. He also has advanced knowledge of JavaScript. Although the task was small, he gave it the same importance as a big project. He managed to jump in on short notice completed the task above expectations and delivered everything as promised. I will hire him again." Expert Level - Automation Script & Database Builder "As a CTO I have used this Developer and his company for over 10 YEARS across 4 different companies. He has helped us build out full stacks faster and cheaper than 95% of other providers. We discovered Hasan back when Upwork was Elance and have utilized him and his company since. "Great communication and turnaround. Masud is always willing to work together to make sure projects are completed. highly recommended! I look forward to working with you again. " "Hasan has always provided excellent work and great results. He is always willing to work together to make sure projects are completed. "Highly recommended! " "I use Hasan over and over because he always delivers. He is reliable and a great communicator. If there is a problem, he fixes it without hesitation. All future work will be handled by Hasan.” Eager to join a team where I can contribute my full-stack skills to build innovative web apps that solve real-world problems. Excited to collaborate and learn from talented engineers working on impactful products. Let's discuss how my development expertise can help your organization capitalize on the latest opportunities in creating dynamic and user-friendly web applications. I look forward to the conversation. Thank you, Masud Hasan

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  • Next.js
  • WordPress
  • Stripe
  • Laravel
  • API Integration
  • NestJS
  • Yii
  • Yii2

Get started working with Masud quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Masud quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a Dedicated Social Media Manager

From $89
30 days delivery

You will get Yii2 and Yii1 Development Support for New or Existing Modules

From $250
2 days delivery

You will get NFT landing page built with REACT or Next JS

From $275
3 days delivery

You will get a WorPress Custom Plugin Development

From $350
5 days delivery


Endorsements from past clients

"Facing a tight deadline to upgrade our system, we brought on fullstack developer Masud, skilled in NextJS, NodeJS, and PostgreSQL. Despite the short timeline, Masud dove into the complex project, rapidly building the architecture in NextJS and integrating the backend and database. With impressive technical proficiency, he solved problems efficiently as they arose, meeting each deadline with excellent code quality. Masud's rapid development was key to launching the upgraded system on schedule. Combining top-notch technical skills and incredible work ethic, he delivered results under pressure. We highly recommend Masud for any fullstack project requiring quick delivery."

Ian P.
Oct 2023
