Kate S.
SheffieldUnited Kingdom
100% Job Success

Creative Writer and Illustrator

I am a Upwork top rated Illustrator, Graphic Designer and Creative Writer with 10 years of experience. I accept jobs in a range of styles; ranging from children's book illustration, fantasy and concept art, graphic art, product design, to logo creation. I work with a range of mediums; including watercolour, acrylics, line art, and digital platforms such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. My writing services range from novel and prose writing to articles and blog posts. I am particularly confident in discussing the arts. I write novels for a range of clients, from historical romance to childrens poetry. Please read my reviews and note my 100% job success. I look forward to working with you.

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  • Realistic
  • Children's Book Illustration
  • Graphic Design
  • Cartoon Art
  • Short Story
  • Book Cover
  • Book Writing