Niranjan G.

EXPERT iOS || ANDROID || Flutter || React || Ionic || Web || PHP

Really Love to work on React Native, React js, Apple Watch OS, iOS, Android, Flutter, ionic and Graphics/UI/ UX, Payment Stuff direct or adaptive, Wifi-Socket Micro Controller, and any new technologies willing to accept the challenge. I'm very active and learn quickly new technologies in this digital era, I have experience in Mobile Application Development Since 2011. ✅ Top Rated ✅ 100% Job Success ✅ Building iOS app from scratch to AppStore ✅ Building Android app from scratch to PlayStore ✅ Building cross-platform app in Flutter || React || ionic Expert and Experienced in- ✅ iOS App Development - iOS SDK, iOS 14 - Swift 5, Objective-C - Xcode 12 ✅ Android App Development - Android SDK and Android NDK - Kotlin - GIT - Core Java ✅ Flutter, React, ionic App Development - CocoaPods & Carthage - Git - Java Programming - Swift Programming - Designing Layout - Parsing(HTML, XML, JSON, SOAP, Feed) - Payment Gateway Integration - Google Map, Apple Map, GPS - QR Code Scanner - Push Notifications - SDK Integration - APIs like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube,....etc - Submitting app to Google Play Store and Apple App Store - Ad Integration - In-App Purchase - Architecture (MVVM, MVC) - Code Management (Github, Gitlab)

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  • Chat & Messaging Software
  • Smartphone
  • iOS
  • PayPal Integration
  • iPhone UI Design

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