Charlene P.
Park CityKS
99% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Data-Entry Clerk

Peters Virtual Services is designed to help business owners focus on their passion by taking over different back-end obligations. With experience and motivation, you can bet that PVS will strive to help your company take the next step forward. Just a note... my rating that you see is only from the past 6 months. I wanted to provide some overall statistics since my start of 2012: *Please note that individual success score ratings are not able to be seen by freelancers. Average Score Since 2012: 4.86 Stars Average Rating That Clients Gave Me (Spent Above $50,000 on Upwork) : 4.87 Stars Average Overall Rating Same Clients Gave Others (Spent Above $50,000 on Upwork) : 4.73 Stars 6-Month Totals That Are Not Public But Provided By Upwork Internally: Clients who would recommend me: 79% Long-term clients: 54%

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