Manzoor A.
Chenab Nagar RabwahPakistan

Top Rated Wordpress Expert | PHP Developer | Payment Integration

✔ Certified Upwork | " FULL TIME TOP RATED FREELANCER" since the program started. I have passion for beautiful code and I follow latest technologies. Last 10+ years I did it, I specialize in making web applications from scratch using PHP+MSQL, Wordpress and use frameworks like Laravel/Lumen according to your requirements. I have a passion to build innovative things. I am a good fit for your project; If you want to make a web application, an e-commerce website, a WordPress website. Experienced with: - PHP, AJAX, MySQL - HTML5, jQuery, JavaScript, Bootstrap - PayPal, Stripe, Twitter, StockTwits, Tradier Brokerage, Ally Invest, Postmark, bank APIs, Web API, Google API, Facebook API, Youtube API, WordPress rest API - AWS (EC2 / Elastic Beanstalk), Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, Heroku, Redhat OpenShift - Database Design - Backend Development - Natural Language Processing Do you have an idea for a startup/project? We can perfectly work together and build your idea into a successful project thread by thread. Let's build something great!

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  • WordPress
  • Elementor
  • WooCommerce
  • Stripe

Get started working with Manzoor quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Manzoor quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get wordpress theme installed with demo content within 30 Min

From $50
1 day delivery

You will get WordPress Website Backup, Domain / Migrated To Another Server Or Cloning

From $120
2 days delivery